Heilala Holiday Lodge for Sale in the Kingdom of Tonga

NZ$1,850,000.00 (approx. US$1,324,000.00) negotiable



The Business

The Lodge is located on Tongatapu's favourite swimming beach (between Ha'atafu & Kanokupolu) on a 3+ acre section with a 160 metres of absolute beach frontage.

Award winning tourist business over 23 years in Tonga - six years as resort at this beach location. Lead in property for most major New Zealand travel wholesalers. Occupancy rate well above national average for Tonga. Many repeat customers and a customer approval rating on Tripadvisor that is currently #1 of 30 B&B;/Inn's tourist properties in Tonga.



Property Description

Going resort with ten bungalow (fale) units with en suite bath and private porch - Tongan style exterior; fully modern amenities inside. Two bedroom manager's cottage.

...Main building with licensed bar and restaurant plus reception area; auxiliary building with four standard rooms, communal bath and kitchen, plus laundry & linen rooms and workshops.

Good access road from highway. All utilities included: electric, water, phone, ADSL high speed internet via wifi, fire alarm system, septic system. Water sports equipment, bicycles, scooters available for guests, transport vehicles with luggage trailer.



The 50 year land lease

The land tenure system in Tonga is quite unique "with the complete absence of freehold and lease terms generally limited to 20 years". We are very fortunate to have secured a fresh 50 year land lease and are therefore able to offer the sale with this new secure long term land lease in place.

The Lodge also has great potential for further expansion with over 1.5 acres remaining undeveloped!

Full business and property description package available on request via e-mail.





Owner contact: Sven Quick
Tel. +(676) 41-600 or Mob +(676) 771-5416
Email: [email protected]
